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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 7 matching: trinity war

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Never Has I Told You So Been So Unsatisfying

Back on June 25, I wrote, "Booster Gold fans might not want to expect too much participation from Booster Gold in the upcoming Justice League 'Trinity War' event." I am not happy to report that I told you so.

Last week's poll question: What was your reaction to the news that Booster Gold will play no part in Trinity War? (49 votes)

What was your reaction to the news that Booster Gold will play no part in Trinity War?

Obviously, most of you were still holding out hope for an appearance by our hero. To continue on that theme, I point out that four months remain in the year (where does the time go?), and there is currently no reason to expect to see Booster Gold return to the DCnU anytime soon. How optimistic are you about seeing Booster before the calendar rolls over?

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Release: Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2

Here we go again. Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2 is released today. Will Booster Gold make an appearance? I have no idea.

Last month I told you to expect a glimpse of Booster Gold flashback in Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1. That information was based on a teaser released at I was misled, and Booster was nowhere to be seen in that issue.

Will the teased pages with Booster be printed in today's book instead? I don't know. It's not in the issue preview at We now know that Booster won't be involved in Trinity War, and I begin to suspect that he won't be in Trinity of Sin: Pandora, either.

If anyone notices Booster in the issue, please let me know. Until I hear from you, I'm going to assume otherwise.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lying Fallow

I was all excited about the possibility of Booster Gold news coming out of Comic-Con. Instead we are left with no announced Booster Gold appearances for the foreseeable future. I'm not going to beat around the bush: this sucks.

Last week's poll question: Do you expect to hear big Booster Gold news out of Comic Con 2013? (41 votes)

Do you expect to hear big Booster Gold news out of Comic Con 2013?

Since there doesn't seem to be anything else to talk about at the moment....

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Country, 'Tis of Thee

A majority of those polled think Booster will play little or no role in "Trinity War." Prove them wrong, Geoff Johns, I dare you!

Last week's poll question: How big a part will Booster Gold play in "Trinity War"? (55 votes)

How big a part will Booster Gold play in

As all Booster Gold fans know, when the New 52 launched 2 years ago, it was widely publicized that Booster Gold would be rebooted as a Canadian citizen. That information came from comic book panelists, not the writers of Booster Gold or Justice League International.

It turned out that Booster's citizenship was never mentioned in Justice League International Volume 3, so there is nothing in canon to suggest that Booster isn't an American citizen as established in the first volume of Booster Gold in the 1980s.

That lack of confirmation hasn't stopped the rumor from floating around the Internet as fact. (For example, Wikipedia still insists Booster is a Canadian citizen.)

Since today is American Independence Day, when we celebrate our citizenship and patriotism, it seems the perfect time to poll Boosterrific readers and find where they stand on Booster's much debated citizenship.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New Release: Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

When the Justice League fights the Justice League and the Justice League, who will win? (Hint: it's the Justice League.)

The prelude to Trinity War officially kicks off today in Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1. Pandora is the mysterious character inexplicably seen (but never explained) in the final panels of Flashpoint. Are we finally going to learn what caused her to create the post-Flashpoint DCnU? Will her story make Flashpoint make any sense? Will this event justify the existence of three Justice League titles? And most importantly, what role will Booster Gold play in the Trinity War?

Booster Gold in Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1

Booster appears in the two-page spread teaser for the issue that DC released last month, so he will be in this issue, at least as a flashback to Justice League International, Volume 3, #1. Will this be the start of Booster's big return to the DCnU? Or will he be relegated to the same limbo as Captain Atom, Resurrection Man, and Voodoo?

The answers to these questions and more begin in Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1, on sale today!

[UPDATE 2013-07-03: False alarm. Although explicitly described "this incredible spread from the series' debut issue," the pages DO NOT appear in Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1.]

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